小窝装修历程@京都苑 第一集(预计9月28日完工)


  • 7月10日 装修前


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  • 7月11日 地漏+漏保空开

0711_九牧地漏 梅兰漏保空开到佳好佳装饰城按许师傅的要求先买来地漏、漏保和空开,逛了大半天,最后在一家什么中策电线什么店里买了梅兰的漏保空开,地漏选的是九牧的。什么牌子好,该多少钱俺们是一点头绪都没,看看东西还不错,价格差不多就出手了。老板说梅兰的价格很透明,他也没有乱报价,比我在淘宝上查到的价格还要低。九牧的地漏可能买得稍微好了点,许师傅让我买杭特的,但在老板那里看到杭特的实在很差,一点分量也没,九牧可沉多了。


  • 7月12日 拆旧第一天



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  • 7月14日 拆旧完毕


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  • 7月15日 水电定位

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  • 7月17/18日 新时代采购








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“Agile Coaching” Reading Accomplished

Finished reading the book “Agile Coaching” by Rachel Davies and Liz Sedley, it’s just as described : image

“This book provides you with deeper knowledge of how agile practices work and how to inspire your team to improve. Discover how to coach your team through the agile lifecycle, from planning to writing software. Learn the secrets of running effective agile meetings and how to get your team following a consistent approach to creating software.”

You could download some chapters for free to read first before purchasing this book, get them from The Pragmatic Bookshelf, and here is the link at Amazon.

The book was written like a story, from the beginning to the end of coaching organization. Since I experienced this procedure several times, even I knew almost all those, it’s still very useful to reflect again, especially it’s “Agile” coaching, instead of “Scrum” coaching or sort of “Scrum + XP” coaching. This book is actually a must read for anyone who is in Agile, only if you want to be focused on business areas (e.g. Telecom system) or technical areas (e.g. programming in Java).

* Part I  Coaching Basics

First you should be clear about your role “Agile Coach”, and be prepared to start, its full checklist as below :

  • Practice explaining Agile to others. You can do this with anyone willing to listen. Agile user groups are a good place to refine your Agile pitch.
  • Do some groundwork, and work out the best way to be introduced to the team.
  • Find ways to show that you apply Agile principles yourself. For example, you can work iteratively and have face-to-face conversations rather than asking questions by email.
  • Apply the PrOpER cycle to your coaching interventions. Start with the problem, consider at least three different opinions that you can take, pick one and try that as an experiment, and then review the outcome.
  • Pause to reflect and learn from your mistakes. Leave room for the team to learn from mistakes too.
  • Look for opportunities to learn from other Agile coaches, both inside and outside your company.
  • If you work with one organization for a long time, you can get pickled. When the team is running an effective Agile processes. It’s probably time to move on.

When you start there are many things to be aware, working with people is not just as easy as sitting together and start typing keyboards. You have to practice how to listen carefully in order to understand the problems, ask questions to clarify if you don’t get somebody’s idea. While providing feedbacks back to them, separate the observations which is neutral and your personal interpretations or even judgments.

Trying to introduce change is always hard, people are suspicious about changes normally. Share your passion for Agile, without being too fanatical. Talk with each individuals, care their opinions and concerns, clarify them, tell them what would they benefit from this change. Working on promoting the learning culture, encouraging people to read books by sharing your own, share blogs you  read, point people to podcasts, etc. And it’s 100% that you’ll face resistance, don’t be upset or put it into personal, start with understanding where it comes from, check the reasons from yourself first, this is actually a good attitude for Agile teams — don’t complain others, change yourself first.

The 4th chapter of this part is “Building an Agile team”, Rachel and Liz shared a checklist :

  • Create opportunities for the team to get to know each other, which helps the team jell. Regularly spend informal time together, such as lunch or drinks.
  • Create a shared workspace to help the team work together well. Try to get the whole team sitting together.
  • Make role responsibilities clear. Get the customer the support the need to work within the team.
  • Ensure the team has a reachable but challenging goal. make sure the work is neither too easy nor too hard.
  • Arrange food or drink to celebrate a release. Ask customers and management to thank them.

* Part II  Planning as a Team

This part mainly talk about how to get the framework in place, covered topics like “how you do the daily standup”, “understand the requirements”, “planning and prioritizing”, “make progress and problems visible”.

Having a successful daily standup meeting is not as easy as defining the time, place and send out invitation. You may face tons of problems, people may arrive late for the meeting, people complain the meeting lasts too long, or the daily meeting is hijacked by someone, even you may have somebody who can not standup… The authors’ tips are :

  • Find a space that the team can run their daily standup around their team board. If they don’t have room in their workspace, then use a portable team board.
  • Make the time that the daily standup runs a team decision. You can run it more than once a day, if not everyone works the same hours.
  • Encourage the team to keep their replies short and sweet. The three-question formula can help the team get started, but don’t let this become a straightjacket for daily standup conversation.
  • keep the daily standup flowing; a speaking token puts this in control of the team.
  • Ask the customer along to the daily standup to give her progress and updates.
  • Gather issues that come up on a whiteboard where everyone can see them. Prioritize it with the team, and follow up afterward.
  • Review the effectiveness of the daily standup in the retrospective, and experiment with the format.

According to my own experience, there is always a problem with understanding requirements, more or less. The user story practice from Agile is very good for this, it promotes 3C (Card, Conversation, Confirmation), to help team clarify the real user requirement, and establish common understanding, with the analyzed tests for acceptance. One thing would be important to mention is, the User Story card or any format of written-down is not requirement documentation, tell them the INVEST principle of a good user story.

At the beginning of each iteration, there is the planning meeting, help team preparing for it, and teach them how to estimate and prioritize. During the iteration, encourage them to have a team board, and make it the information radiator, plus big visible charts. Avoid burying information into electronic information fridges, it’s easy to ignore and don’t update them nor use them.

* Part III  Caring About Quality

imageIn this part, authors talked about the Definition of Done, how to drive development with tests, and about writing clean code. “Done” is a practice used as agreement on quality, which “means the customer is happy with what has been developed, and all the story tests pass.” from the book. Check the picture on the right for example. Don’t forget testing, make sure that testing is considered in the iteration planning so testing tasks are understood by the whole team. Share the bugs at the same place as story tasks, otherwise there will be a hidden backlog in those bug tracker systems. At the end of iteration, if the team doesn’t get all the stories done, talk about it in retrospective, figure out ways to improve.

Test first is one of the XP principles, which forces you to think deeply about the reason for your implementation or design. Why I need this piece of code? Why I need this execution step of test scripts? Why I need to verify this functional behavior? Doing this in the best way requires a whole bunch of Agile practices, e.g. Test-Driven Development, Acceptance-TDD, Test Automation, Continuous Integration, Refactoring, etc. However, get people trained, and tried on those practices, reserve time for the transition to those practices. For Continuous Integration, focus on the attitude change than tool setup.

Keeping your house tidy and clean is obviously important; otherwise, over time it becomes impossible to live in. In the same way, if the team doesn’t take time to keep their code clean, it becomes messy and fragile, which slows them down. As their coach, you’re there to support them in learning how to keep code clean, tested, and integrated all the time. The checklist as below :

  • Help the team strike a balance between spending time on software design vs.. time implementing code. The team needs to focus on designing for the user stories they know about rather than second guessing the customer.
  • Remind the team during the planning process to allow time for incremental design. Get into the habit of using a whiteboard in the team workspace for design discussions.
  • Encourage the team to improve software design gradually by refactoring before every check-in rather than building up technical debt. Refactoring tools lower the barrier to making design improvements. Make sure the team knows how to use them.
  • Bring the whole team together to agree on a common coding style. If the team doesn’t adopt pair programming, recommend they incorporate peer code reviews into their definition of “done.”
  • Help the team formulate a plan to renovate any areas of the code where design has decayed. Fixing broken windows helps the team keep the standard of design up.
  • Use pair programming to get two heads on difficult problems and spread knowledge within the team. Set the team workspace up so that pair programming is comfortable, for example, two monitors displaying the same desktop.
  • Introduce ping-pong programming to encourage pairs to swap between the roles of driver and navigator. Watch that pairs take enough breaks and swap partners rather than forming pair cliques.

* Part IV  Listening to Feedback

For the team, after started the iteration, it’s time for review the user stories, whether they are Done or not. And the team should take time to retrospect themselves too. In my opinion, retrospective is the most important for the team compare with other ceremonies, because it’s the point for Inspect and Adapt of the team. Normally you could facilitate it like in the sample agenda :

  1. Review the goal of meeting, and remind the team of the ground rules.
  2. Create a timeline.
  3. Mine the timeline for insights.
  4. Select the topics to focus on.
  5. Review the progress on previous actions.
  6. Generate ideas for improvements.
  7. Action planning.

Been aware of those hurdles, they ruins the effectiveness of retrospective : Same action comes up again and again, cut them into smaller ones, or simply use the SMART principle for your action; Some team members are very quiet, and be clear that it’s ok to say “pass”; Team is always moaning, then try to get the team back into learning mode by asking, “if this situation happens again, how should we react to it?”; If you want to share your own impressions too, you need to be careful not to be seen as “taking sides”, “playing favorites”, stay neutral, or find another facilitator to help you, so you can be released to join as part of the team.

The final chapter is actually the most close important for yourself 🙂  “Growing You”, how you can grow as a person and keep your ideas fresh, you also need to take care of yourself in order to cope with the day-to-day demands of being an Agile Coach. Check Rachel and Liz’s checklist first :

  • Make time to learn. Create a plan of what you want to learn this month and for how you will do so.
  • Make time to reflect. The most powerful lessons don’t come from books but from learning from our own mistakes—small or large.
  • Take time out to distress. Work can seem very important, and it is easy to let it swallow you up. Keep things in perspective by making time for yourself every day.
  • Meet other people who care about the same things as you. Local interest groups and conferences are great places to meet people who will help you keep your passion for Agile alive.
  • Be kind to yourself. Forgive your mistakes. Learn from them, make amends, and move on.
  • Be kind to others. Don’t attribute bad intentions to people. Instead, find out why they are acting that way. Differences in opinion and style in a team are good.
  • Don’t let your job grow stale. Keep pushing yourself at work; otherwise, it will no longer be fun.

Generally, it’s pretty much the same how you advice the team. First, look at what you’re good at or experienced, start from them, broader your knowledge areas, You could commit to read one technical book per moth, or listen to a podcast on your way to work; enhance your experience, by starting blogging, which requires you to think critically and be systematic and logical with your words. Second, you could create your own personal development plan, like a product backlog, what are the highest priority parts you want to improve, of course, remember the SMART objective. Third, build your network, join conferences and user groups, grow together, and learn from others. Finally, be kind to yourself, we’re human, we make mistakes, we are not perfect, so you are.

* My Conclusion

It’s a good book, read it.

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image最近几天一直在阅读《引爆点》这本书,原书名"Tipping Point",作者是马尔科姆·格拉德威尔(Malcolm Gladwell),书中对他的简介:




  • 无论是暇步士的时尚潮,还是病毒的流行潮,都是流行三法则——个别人物法则、附着力因素法则和环境威力法则作用的结果。
  • 个别人物法则:联系员、内行和推销员
    • 一个小马童为什么能够引爆美国历史上最重要的一场战争——美国独立战争?因为他是一个同时具备内行、联系员、推销员天赋的男子。
  • 附着力因素法则:《芝麻街》、《蓝狗线索》和教育“病毒”
    • 要想把电视节目的教育意义和广告的价值传染给没有看到节目的人,就必须在观众身上产生过目不忘的附着力。
  • 环境威力法
    • 戈茨案和纽约犯罪潮:整治地铁乱涂乱画的现象平息了纽约地铁里的犯罪潮,这是因为犯罪人群对环境透露的细微暗示极度敏感。我们的社会总存在这样一些不起眼的信息点,但这些点是群体效应的引爆点。
    • 150,一个神奇的数字:要发起大规模的流行潮,首先要发起许多小规模的流行潮。无聊是畅销书的朗诵会,还是企业生产的基本单位,发起小规模流行的团队最有效的人数不得超过150人。
  • 个案分析:
    • 流言、运动鞋和转变力量:“云中漫步”这个品牌的推广得益于兰姆西斯前卫的广告设计。他们在掀起流行潮中既做革新者又做信息传播的中间人,他们修改、渲染和吸纳年轻人文化中的前卫思想,使之为大多数人接受。
    • 自杀和吸烟流行潮:青少年自杀与吸烟的传染途径惊人的相似,只有知道了引爆这些不良现象的因素,才能找到有效对抗这两者的方法。
  • 结论:要发起流行,就得把资源集中在引爆点上,换个角度看待这个似乎雷打不动、无法改变的世界。只要找对了一个点,轻轻一触,这个世界必然能够动起来。




  1. 首先要有敏捷开发相关的内行人士,他们的话语更有权威性和说服力,听到的人也更愿意相信他们的意见;
  2. 而后也会有很多感兴趣的人,他们能够去尝鲜,能够搭建吃螃蟹者和观望着、隔岸观火者之间的桥梁,为后期的说服创造了可能;
  3. 当然还要有推销员,他们再不断地重复着推广推销敏捷软件开发,真心地喜欢它,而且在实践。
  4. 至于敏捷本身的附着力,我想则来源于任何已开展的敏捷转变的效果、口碑,如果一个事物已被证明确实有功效,而且应用广泛,那么得到更多人的青睐也很正常。但如果操之过急,败坏了口碑,被误会了敏捷转变失败的原因在于敏捷自身的话,也就无法实现其附着力。
  5. 最后的环境,则需要更多的人、更高层的人来共同创建,从而产生环境的压力、推力,铺平敏捷转变的康庄大道。当周围的人都在言必谈敏捷,行必学敏捷的时候,你不搞搞敏捷还真觉得不好意思,而且连弄虚作假都觉得很过意不去。




    • Individuals and interactions over processes and tools
    • The most efficient and effective method of conveying information to and within a development team is face-to-face conversation.
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# 以往的相册在 @黄山。这一次我的最大失误就在于自己忘记带相机,感兴趣的东西都没法拍下来。











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Ideas Triggered During the APM Training

* General

LM is not very relative to product, which leads to the problem of Competence Development: Actually the reason we do competence development should be the needs of product development. But now LMs are in charge of collecting competence development needs, heavily isolated from product development, much more for the sake of making people happy or prevent people being unhappy?

* Estimating

<Padding> If PM is used to their subordinates do padding, then they’ll behave like bargaining for less completion time. The number of the duration time is a number already in their mind, or just a number used to determine subordinates’ floor price. Because they believe if they press enough, they’ll get better price (smaller time estimation).

It’s just like bargaining during shopping. Without trust, it’s hard to discover the reasonable price value. And the behavior to force others accept the price lower than cost, will only get your lower quality ones or fake ones. Especially if you are not familiar with the product you’re purchasing, the chance being cheat is much higher.

If the buyer is an expert in this field, and trying to buy at a price below seller’s cost price, it will only leads to violent conflicts, or contact break.

<On Time> People do not care too much if they are on time, because whether a project / program is on time or not, the impact on themselves is too little, and too slow. However I’ll get paid because I worked 8 hours per day, the bonus is not a big amount of money too. Why bother?

If we can let people, (1)  share more benefit of being on time; (2) enjoy the benefit of on time faster and more frequent; (3) decide the time needed. When there is no pressure, drive by trust, the estimation will represent the real situation much more honestly.

* PM & Agile

Project Management has too many things that’s not necessary for software development.

PM should mainly take the guarding tasks around Agile.

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Agile Development and Project Management by IIL

# BeforeReading

I just blog the training I participated, and record down what I experienced, observed, it doesn’t mean I support its opinion or suggestions. Because personally I believe software development should be managed in the way of Continuous Product Development, instead of short-term focused Project mode.

Well, a couple more words, Project Management is much more wide, and not specific for Software Project (e.g. a housing project, a build construction project), therefore the thoughts behind that doesn’t fits best. While Agile focus on software development more.

# Before Reading

Joined as observer in a 2 days training “Agile Development and Project Management” , delivered by IIL, the trainer is Wolfgang Wendl from Germany. He mentioned it’s his first time to China, and I think that’s the reason why he faced some problems during the training, since he didn’t know Chinese in training. Normally there will be English problems, especially if you have accent, and they wont tell you they didn’t understand. And so on.

In the opening part, he has a “Housekeeping Item”, which looks like a “Training Agreement”, talking about e.g. we don’t need computers, please mute your mobile phones, etc. There is one entry attracted my interests, it’s the “Emergency Exit”, even it is kind of unnecessary since we’re in our company’s building, but in general it’s very good, since the training may happen somewhere else, and it’s sweet to tell people how to exit in case of emergencies.

Below are the drawings he made regarding “Project”, “Project Management”, and the link of Project Management between “Classical” and “Agile” methods.

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Once he explained the definition of several terms, “Practice ∈ Method ∈ Methodology ∈ Approach”, sounds reasonable, don’t know if it’s common accepted or not, I’m not a native English user. Needs further investigation.


  I’m suspicious how he explained Scrum and XP.

  He used the word “Done Done” that team should deliver “Done Done” features at the end of sprint,

  while IMHO there is only “DONE” and Definition of Done.

  For XP, check the photo. Curious about second-based Pair Programming, and hourly Code Integration.

  My question is, would PP be too pressing, and Code Integration too less frequent?


When “Communication” was mentioned, Wolfgang illustrated by drawing it out as below.



  While the sender sending messages to receiver, and receiver provides feedback.

  There are different Culture, Education and Experience, which makes communication hard.

  That is our Model of the World, and  they’re different of course.

  Communication is about increasing the overlapping part of sender and receiver.



We went to the Knowledge Areas of project management : Scope, Time, Cost, HR, Quality, Risk, Procurement, Communication, Integration. The project phases are Initiating, Planning, then Executing, and Monitoring, final one is closing.

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Risk Management was not in the original course content, they adjusted based on our request, picked it up from their Project Management Fundamentals course. As written on the flipcharts, risk is an event which has possible impact, either positive or negative. Risk Management contains 4 activities, 1) plan first; 2) then identify them; 3) analyze the risk via a PI (should be Possible Impact) matrix; 4) Define the Response Strategies, which might be “Avoid”, “Accept”, "Mitigation”, "Transfer”.

He introduced several tools for this, e.g. SWOT or Critical Path analysis. For me, it’s funny that when he asked “anybody heard SWOT analysis before?”, nobody raised their hands or answered. For the Critical Path (or other names, my memory is bad…), I just don’t understanding why we complex our simple life by this. Didn’t get the idea of using ET / EF / LS / LF, and Float.

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These 2 charts should be the drawings while he is explaining WBS (Work Breakdown Structure). And he embraced User Story technique into this WBS thinking, considering Epics as the first level deliverable, and User Stories as the second level work package, and then split them into tasks. When it comes to estimating, due to the famous “Padding”, estimations are not accurate or trustable, therefore you can use “Three Point Estimate”, one Optimistic estimation, one is Pessimistic, and the Most Likely one. Then you could use (O + P + 4 x ML) / 6 as the final estimation. My view is, playing with numbers doesn’t improve your estimates, and finally ensure you’re on time. And also, the uncertainty of estimates are mainly from the work itself, instead of trust issues. Even if there is such an Agile Project Manager, this kind of distrust behaviors will reinforce itself. E.g. PjM doesn’t trust teams’ estimates, and thought he must ask team to give 3 estimates, then the team will feel the PjM doesn’t trust them, then while bother giving trustable estimates?

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The explanation on “Trust” as below, those characteristics look fine, but can not understand the formula “Trust = ( C + R + I ) / S”.

  • C : Creditable
  • R : Reliable
  • I : Respect + Caring
  • S : Self-Orientation

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Here is his summary on differences between “Classical PM” and “Agile PM”. No Comments. Sounds reasonable if you read from a more PM angle, sounds nonsense if you read from Agile angle.

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Finally, the most interested part “Stakeholder Management”, it’s actually given in the beginning as in the first module. Which is identifying different Stakeholders, clarify or access their interests and power, and then act. It’s exactly what my sales friend told me about sales, you have to figure out who can affect the deal, what’s their impacts, on technique decisions or business purchasing decisions, can they accelerate the sign of contact or you have to ensure they don’t slow you down.


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The Design Infected by Organizational Dysfunction

Had a fierce discussion with one engineer, which started from reviewing her automated test case. It’s written in robotframework, one criteria of good quality test case is descriptive naming, for keyword names, test case names, etc.

* Discussion 0 : Background

Well, the case title was not descriptive, and I asked the regular question “what does this test case test?” The functionality it tests is,

  • Process Under Test (PUT) send message to another process while restarted and just started up
  • The target process should send back acknowledge message to the PUT
  • If PUT received acknowledgement message, then it’s fine, nothing happened <—-the functionality to be verified
  • Additional :If PUT didn’t receive it, PUT will resend it for totally 5 times, after that, write error log for recording

But those test steps didn’t reflect the purpose, it just reset the unit (the PUT shall restart when the host restarted), then check there is no error log. While my opinion is, those 2 steps can’t prove that the functionality happened, therefore you can’t say “no error log” is the result of “message – acknowledgement”, since if there is no message sent out or other problems happened, there may be no error log too. You must prove the connection between “message – acknowledgement” and “no error log”.

Well, then the discussion or argument or even say a debate started, moved to software testability, software design, system architecture, organization, etc. And finally after 1.5 hours, I’m too agitate to catch-up my breath, then we went for lunch.

* Discussion 1 : Testability

I questioned that she could start a monitoring process on serial port (which connects to the unit), then restart the unit, the corresponding messages can be captured on serial port. This is a minor misunderstanding, she soon explained that the PUT sends out the message after restarted, if we want to monitor messages on this unit, we should do it when the unit is restarting, well, it’s kind of impossible.

Naturally I asked “why not monitoring the target process?”, so we could judge by it received message and send out acknowledgement. The answer is

“the target process resident unit was developed at another site, by another team, from another subcontracting company Aricent.”

“we don’t know how to operate on that unit, there is no documentation, we asked them if we could check their functional test cases, they said they have it in QC, but we can not find them, after asked several times, they finally said they actually haven’t write any test case.”

What a ****!!

I proposed that they could add some debug logs in their code, as workaround to indicate PUT sent and received acknowledgement, but they have to use production compiled build for test. Then I thought they could apply conditional compilation, she thought that would add some additional effort. However, we have some level of agreement that the workaround may work, it’s just a matter of cost.

* Discussion 2 : Design

I was too curious to ask the question “what’s exactly the functionality you’re testing by this case?”. Since she said they had one test case which restarts PUT and verify the similar functionality, but they were reported one bug regarding PUT during unit restart. Seems abnormal PUT restart is different from restarting triggered by unit restart.

By clarifying this question, it leads us towards the proper granularity of testing point. Therefore we will also clarify the preconditions, setups, execution steps, results expectation, cleanups. It is the design of testing.

Well, I didn’t got the idea why they need to implement this functionality, now I got the answer “for bug fix”. Then I’ questioned, why this solution for this fix? Where is your requirement documentation?

They are in a legacy product, it’s fairly mature now, not too many new feature development work, mainly product maintenance work. Due to those technical transfer processes, there is no real experienced developers anymore, nobody is really clear about the design of this part code. And it’s actually the team themselves created the requirement, so they chose this design solution.

I’ was so opinionated, I didn’t like introducing new things while not really necessary, especially if you can do it within current context. The mechanism was used to ensure the target process have received message from PUT, so they add the demand of acknowledgement. In the scenario she described, the target process will send some data to PUT by certain message, each message contains one single entry data.

I insisted in using the certain message with 0 entry data, as well as the acknowledgement message. Their reasons (or excuses) are, the message fields were already frozen, change its definition would requires a lot of changes, since they don’t have a field for “entry amount” before.

* Discussion 3 : System Architecture Choice

I can not convince them, nor they can. But I’m still not satisfied. Then I moved to question them “why you need to ensure the target process received message?”, since their messaging mechanism in existing system is reliable, there is no need to ensure from message sender point of view. The reason is, there is a new unit where the target process locates, which is not in the original system (HW-wise), communicates with other processes in old system via UDP which is unreliable. Because of this, they need to handle it.

The system has a so-called message-bus component (module, process), and a dedicated component for transport layer issues. Of course I doubt this, why can’t those components encapsulate the underlying UDP transportation as usual, and expose the same messaging interface to those application processes (e.g. the PUT).

Another team member joined the discussion, and shared the historical discussion related to this. They had the same opinion as me, and challenged the requirement, but they’re told it’s a decision, just do it. I’m fine with upper level decisions, if they can convince me, or they really understand the consequences and accept it. But if not, I’ll be really challenging and noisy. They can’t tell me if the chief architect provided reasonable explanation, they didn’t remember. They also tried to find if there is any other team facing the same problem, and having any solutions for reference, but seems they’re the 2nd one, and the solutions are pretty much the same.

The answer sounds unacceptable to me, it’s so obvious that, compare to solution 1 solving UDP problem within single component, the solution 2 that each process solve problems by themselves will introduce much much more duplication code and algorithm. Well, I didn’t know programming too well, I can not tell if the solution 1 will be more costly in run time, since it verifies each UDP packets reached the target.

* Discussion 4 : Organizational Dysfunction

I had a huge problem with failure in duty behaviors. I think the problem now is, the system architect didn’t explain the reasons why he/she wants this specific design solution, and obviously those people are not satisfied, and it may complex our code more, further more make maintenance harder. This is the duty of system architect.

I already had a huge problem with Software Design activity in the stage-phased model.  How can they prove that the solution is the right one to fulfill customer requirements? And how can they prove it’s the best solution among those ones? The SDLC didn’t answer this, Waterfall didn’t, nor CMM/CMMI.

Plus the problem of communicating their design solutions to implementation engineers, it re-enforced the dysfunction. They didn’t want to or didn’t know how to explain the reason of the design solution, or they didn’t describe clear enough, they fixed the design solution into stone, then passed it to the implementation team by deliverables. The implementation teams implement it, and confirm it by verifying the expected system behaviors. While at the same time, they may not understanding if it has any side-effects besides the expectation part, nor it’s too much for just meet the expectation (in another word : over-design).

Agile provides the correct answer : “Simplicity” principle. We encourage emergent design, just enough design, as simple design as possible, etc. The system level architecture and design was reflected by division of classes, in terms of component (class, module) responsibilities. From top down, we communicate based on requirements, or say “what we need”, instead of a direct solution to an unknown problem. Let the people who implements the requirement decide the solution.

Together with Test Automation and Continuous Integration, you enhanced the common understanding of design of working code into working tests. And those nonstop quality safeguards continuously provide you the feedback of current software functionality consistence.

* Thoughts : Design Infected Organization, or vise versa

The thought process used in designing software has a huge impact on designing the organization, or say the software design is mainly inherited from the thoughts of organizational structure.

If we designed software in one way, then it is very natural to organize people in the similar way, because the most convenient and cost-efficient approach is put most-in-common-duties people together.

While there is an organizational structure, it re-enforces the software design reversely. Because people want to do their job better, better according to the role responsibilities, and which is exactly formulized during the initial software designing.

* Followup

She came to me today, updated me some information regarding the problem afterward.

"We could test in a way that, we check and save the information on unit before restart, then we restart, after the unit started up, we check the information again, it should be recovered to the same as before restart."

I agreed on this idea. Since the feature / functionality is actually a redundancy mechanism, while the master node restarted, it will require the tributary nodes to send previous information, so it could recover back to the original state. There is no 2N redundancy, because in some cases, there is only one unit, no spare ones.

Then we elaborated a bit more.

  • From unit test level, they could cover the message exchanging logical, both receiving and sending.
  • From the overall feature level (blackbox), they could verify that the information is recovered after restart, before the feature doesn’t necessarily related to the detail design implementation.
  • For the unreliable UDP transfer, it’s not such a big deal, from both unit test and feature level, they’ll verify that if the target process can or can not receive messages, if the information of PUT can or can not be recovered. The underlying transferring method is not the feature’s business.
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